Do I need to go to your office for the GPS Tracker installation?

No, we do on-site installation. Within Metro Manila, we will send our installers to meet you at your convenience. Alternatively, we can ship the tracker to you and you can have your trusted technician to install it for you.

How long does it take to install a GPS Tracker?

The time spent in installation varies depending on the GPS Tracker model and the vehicle type. On the average, it takes about half an hour to 1 hour.

What is a strategic location to install the GPS Tracker in the vehicle?

GPS Trackers should be hidden from view of the drivers and passengers. usually installed inside the dashboard of your vehicle. In any case you have preference on where you want to have the tracker installed, you may advise our installers.

Does the GPS Tracker come with warranty?

Our GPS Trackers come with replacement warranty for a period of 12 months upon purchase. This warranty shall not apply to Products that have been subject to misuse, improper testing, assembly, mishandling, or which has been operated contrary to the instructions relating to installation or operation.

Will I be charged a monthly fee?

You will not be charged of any monthly fee for using our GPS Web Platform or Mobile App for the first year. You will only need to load/credit at least Php20 monthly to the SIM card installed in your GPS Tracker to avoid SIM deactivation and continue to use the tracking service.

After the first year, if you wish to continue using the portal, we will charge a minimal annual fee of
Php1000 per tracker.

Will I be able to track my vehicle only by using the GPS Web Portal?

No, you may also track your vehicle using SMS. Just send a text message with the command provided to you requesting for your vehicle’s GPS location and you will receive a response with a Google Map link.

Why is my GPS Tracker not responding to my text commands?

It is either the sim card connected to your tracker is out of network coverage or the sim card has no credit. Make sure to check if you have enough credit in the sim.

What should I do if the sim card in my GPS Tracker gets deactivated?

You will need to replace the sim card and inform us to be able to register the new number to the GPS Web Platform.

Will the GPS Tracker be permanently installed in my vehicle?

Our GPS Trackers are wired inside your vehicle permanently as they are powered by the vehicle.

Do you have GPS Trackers that do not need installation?

Yes, we have the OBD GPS Trackers which are already preconfigured ready for use. Just plug it in your car’s OBD port.

Frequently Asked Questions

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